We have been working in association with Counterpoints Arts, who are leading the way with changing perceptions of refugees through their Simple Acts initiative. Simple Acts are small everyday actions to inspire change and remove barriers. We share the same belief that art can inspire social change and in consultation with our TEAM Panel we have worked together to create Seven Simple Acts directly connected to the ideas underpinning Go Tell the Bees.

These Seven Simple Acts have been developed into a series of activities, resources and tasks for use in the classroom.



Plant A Seed

Consider the power contained in a tiny seed. There in your palm, the potential to grow food, create shelter and turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. Plant, water, and wait for an everyday miracle. Invite bees back into your garden, street or local green space. Help a child discover where their food comes from. Or grow a tree that will one day offer shade to the children of their children’s children, long after we’re gone.


Learn One New Thing About Nature

Imagine if you had a teacher as awe-inspiring and wise as Nature. The one who could help you find knowledge and wonder in the everyday. Rediscover your curiosity and adventurousness  Improve your well-being. Show you the importance of respect and humility.

The teacher who could tell you crazy things that bend your mind, like that there are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way. Or that giraffes are predominantly gay. Or that ocean is a home to nearly 95% of all life.

Would you not want to learn about all that, and then share with everyone you meet?


Take A Walk

Ever wondered what happens to you when you take a walk in nature, when your feet start feeling the ground underneath and when the sound of wind in leaves reaches your brain?

Trees secrete phytoncides, the olfactory-provoking chemicals that reduce stress hormones. Which means that the effect of the walk is that it reduces your anxiety; but also that it improves your immunity and memory; fortifies you against flue and colds; makes you fitter and happier. The list goes on. And if you do it again and again, research says, the benefits grow into a true medicinal marvel.

So, shall we?